Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dr. Dr. u killin me....

Sick of being sick.
Sick of making you rich.
The medicine is just a bandaid
Something man-made.
I tell you my symptoms and you say "O....I see."
But do you care or do you just want me to leave?
You stick me here, you stick me there
You drawing blood everywhere.
Taking test, jumping from room to room
I'm not getting outta here anytime soon.
It's hard to believe you really care how I feel
You want me to pee in this cup....for real??
Dr. walks in and extend his hand,
I know that you are thinking about Obama's health plan.
Finding alternative medicine should be first on your list
But you'd rather send me a bill that most likely will have me pissed.
I wont characterize all doctors, not all of you are alike,
But one day you will see that all of this was worth the fight.
Got everyone scared over the swine forcing the vaccine,
When all the while you knew this would happen and chose to make a scene......
God is my healer and by his stripes I'm healed and all I had to simply do is kneel.
How you feel?

*One Luv


  1. Nice!

    God is my healer!

  2. Yea, I can't stand the Dr. I feel like I'm getting ripped off everytime I go.

    Oh and thanks for stopping by. :)
