Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Real Men.....

ACCOUNTABILITY:Real men take responsibility for his actions. He honors his words when he makes a commitment. When he makes a mistake, he is first to apologize and ask for forgiveness.

SACRIFICE:Real men are willing to put the needs of others ahead of his own. He understands the power of helping others manifest their true potential.

SPIRITUAL:Real men honor God by living according to God's word. He reads his bible for guidance, pray for discernment and strives to live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

DELAYED GRATIFICATION:Real men focus on long term success rather than short term pleasure such as clothes and fancy cars and expensive rims.

Who you choose to spend forever with and share a commitment mean everything to your life whether you care or not is your decision.

*One Luv

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well N.C. is snow'd in for the day! Spending time with family is such blessing! But.....I do have one question. Why do we get the munchies when we are snowed in?? So funny! Can you answer this for me??

*One Luv

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just wanted 2 know......

WHY IS FRIED CHICKEN SO GOOD??? Why r blacks always associated with fried chicken and koolaide?? This question has been asked so many times and it has yet 2 be answered....

Ignorance from "them" play a big part because they dont take the time to learn and understand our culture. Who am I kidding......they dont wanna know bout us. They dislike our dark skin,nappy hair, and thick lips. So who's problem is that?? Not ours....

*One Luv

Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 things that are driving me CRAZY!!!!

1) STOP smacking when you eat!! So rude...
2) WHY you all in my car....turn around and drive dummy!
3) IF I loaned you money give it to me the way I gave it to you! If I gave you cash, I dont want your rubberband check....aight!
4)RIHANNA stop singing you "HARD"! If you was that HARD you would've bit him back!
5) stop posting lies about celebrities!! WHO CARES!?
6)EMPLOYERS:Dont call me on my day off cause I'M NOT PICKING UP THE PHONE!!!
7) WHITE people always looking at you like they "spooked"! Yes our President is BLACK...GET OVER IT!
8) WHY is my mama still telling me how to raise my kids?
9) WHY does the UPS man drop your box off and just leave without ringing the doorbell!
10)CHURCH folks always at a buffet bar somewhere hoggin up all the food...grinnin and smackin!


*One Luv

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dr. Dr. u killin me....

Sick of being sick.
Sick of making you rich.
The medicine is just a bandaid
Something man-made.
I tell you my symptoms and you say "O....I see."
But do you care or do you just want me to leave?
You stick me here, you stick me there
You drawing blood everywhere.
Taking test, jumping from room to room
I'm not getting outta here anytime soon.
It's hard to believe you really care how I feel
You want me to pee in this cup....for real??
Dr. walks in and extend his hand,
I know that you are thinking about Obama's health plan.
Finding alternative medicine should be first on your list
But you'd rather send me a bill that most likely will have me pissed.
I wont characterize all doctors, not all of you are alike,
But one day you will see that all of this was worth the fight.
Got everyone scared over the swine forcing the vaccine,
When all the while you knew this would happen and chose to make a scene......
God is my healer and by his stripes I'm healed and all I had to simply do is kneel.
How you feel?

*One Luv

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Where is our $$$ going?

So tired of my money going to businesses that aren't mine! Why is it so hard to support "black owned businesses"? We would rather take our money to other races and spend it their. In the industry that I'm in (hair/beauty) and alot of our money is going to the Asian communities getting the supplies we need. I feel like blacks don't support each other because we think that he/she is gonna "get ahead" of us. So sad.....why don't I show you how I do it and then you can take what I taught you and do the same thing? If we do it that way look how many businesses can be opened. I once had my own salon and honesty I was young and had no idea how to spend my money. I spent money on shoes, clothes, and bought a car and never really thought to set a little sumthin on the side. Well....had I done it the proper way I could have had a pretty nice size "egg" but as I got older I realized how important it is to save and better educate myself on business and finances. My dream now is to educate myself more on business and soon become my own CEO of a million dollar company. It's not far fetch, but closer than I think. I must tell myself everyday....."I AM BLACK, I AM A BUSINESS OWNER" and mean it when I say it!
So.......where is your money going?

*One Luv

Monday, January 25, 2010

Shhhhh....We looking for the Fathers (in hiding)

Where are you? What a shame that sistas gotta talk to their close girlfriends about why you wont come by, or take the kids for a little while. Is it suppose to be like this cause we dont have a relationship? Your relationship is not about "me" its about your child/children. But now I see that its a "generational curse". Honestly can I expect you to be a good figure for your kids and you didn't have that? Your Dad didn't have that (you don't even know who your father is)and his father didn't have that. It's a curse that needs to be broken. I grew up with my father and he instilled in me the things that are needed to grow a healthy relationship with a man. I have always wished and hoped that Fathers would respectfully take their place and guide their daughters the "right way". If a father spends quality time with his daughter and help mold her to be a sista that really understands a man and the qualities she looks for.....What are the chances that she finds a man like her father?

A father has an even taller glass of fatherhood to drink when it come to their son. A father needs to be there for a young boy that calls a woman a b**** only at the mere age of 11, and he needs to know that touching a girl "there" leads to a huge responsibility. Sometimes a father can physically be there but absent in a son life. You think cause you there that's it? Whats' on your mind........

*One Luv

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Because I can.....

I can learn so I can teach.
I can vision so I can reach.
Reach for what? Why reach? Its too far.
I can see it and my fingertips wont reach.
So I must close my eyes because I can.
When I close my eyes.....its in front of me.
Now I get it.... if I take a minute to shut my eyes,and
I believe in me when no one else does, because I can.
My vision is so clear. I can touch it now.
But how can I do this with money tight and bills aint right?
Because I can.
Why? "Greater is HE that is in me than he that is of the world".
Now you have to know because you can.